What is ANDROCUR and what is it used for?
• ANDROCUR is a hormone preparation that blocks the effect of sex hormones produced in men but also found in women in lower amounts. ANDROCUR reduces the level of testosterone hormone in the blood, leading to a decrease in sex drive in men. In patients in whom androgens contribute to the growth of prostate cancer, ANDROCUR reduces this effect.
• Each package contains 50 ANDROCUR tablets.
• Each tablet contains 50 mg of cyproterone acetate.
• ANDROCUR is also available in a package of 30 tablets containing 100 mg of cyproterone acetate.
is offered.
• ANDROCUR is used in the following cases:
In women: In severe androgenization symptoms such as severe hair growth, severe masculine hair loss, acne or severe forms of oily skin.
In men: In order to reduce sexual urges in sexual deviations.
As antiandrogen therapy in inoperable prostate cancer
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